Logatec station, Slovenia, Sunday, March 20, 2022
The train driver is approaching the Logatec station in the direction of Ljubljana. The railway line is electrified double-track, it represents the main transport connection of the Primorska region with central Slovenia, and it is a part of the Mediterranean and Baltic-Adriatic corridor. The line was completed in 1857, and since it does not meet today's traffic requirements, upgrades are planned with the help of funds from the Next Generation EU.
Grosuplje railway station, Slovenia, Thursday, March 10, 2022.
Traffic controller, Anton Dernolc, 56, does his job while workers renovate the traffic office at Grosuplje railway station. With the newly opened Ljubljana-Kočevje passenger line, he has more work.
Ljubljana, Slovenia, Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Miomir Toprek from Kranj, born in Bosnia and Herzegovina, places a geogrid on a geotextile to improve the properties of the underlying soil of the track substructure. In the background, a site warden monitors single-track traffic on the upgraded section of the line and ensures the safety of the workers.
Slovenia, Friday, March 25, 2022.
One of the most beautiful views from the edge of the Karst region, near the town of Črnotiče, of the new Stadler Flirt passenger train coming from Koper and heading towards Ljubljana, Slovenia. All freight traffic from the Port of Koper also runs along this line. The line will soon be decongested, as work is underway on the so-called Second Track, which will run through tunnels and viaducts and will allow higher speeds and higher loads according to European standards.
Kopriva railway station, Slovenia, Saturday, March 19, 2022.
View from the train at Kopriva railway station. This is part of the Bohinj line, the most scenic line in Slovenia, a frequent destination for excursionists and cyclists.
Vinjan, Slovenia, Friday, April 8, 2022.
Under the Črni kal road viaduct, Slovenia, the foundations are being prepared for the 416-metre-long Gabrovica railway viaduct. The entrance of Tunnel 2-Beka is in the background.
Ljubljana, Slovenia, Thursday, March 17, 2022.
Husein Sunger skillfully places a formwork pipe on top of another with an excavator, as he has been doing it for 12 years. At the Mali graben construction site, Ljubljana, work is underway to drive piles 20 meters deep, where the piers of the concrete bridge will be later built.
Ljubljana, Slovenia, Tuesday, March 8, 2022.
Construction worker preparing last details in the formwork for pouring concrete to reinforce the underpass wall over Celovška street in Ljubljana.
Vinjan, Slovenia, Friday, April 8, 2022.
Diden Altintas, 32, Turkish, is a site manager at the Tunnel 8 construction site. She is a mining engineer by profession. Despite her limited working experience, her competence and English language skills led Yapi Merkezi to entrust her with an important task. It is her first time outside Turkey. The work is tiring because the working day is 12 hours long. She works for 10 days, then she has 4 days off. She walks up to 25,000 steps a day. She is the only woman on the construction site in Vinjan.
Koper-Rogaöka Slatina line, Slovenia, Saturday, March 19, 2022.
Marija Škornik and her husband return from a seaside holiday travelling on Koper-Rogaška Slatina line. As they are retired, they have free train tickets. Marija says she started travelling by train again when she had grandchildren, who find the journey adventurous.
Ljubljana, Slovenia, Wednesday, March 30, 2022
Renovation of the underpass over Erjavčeva street in Ljubljana. The train is still running on the single-track line, while the ground is being prepared for the second track and the reinforcement of the underpass. From Erjavčeva street, the Tivoli stop will be accessible by lift, in addition to the current stairs, for people with reduced mobility.
Gorenjska railway line, Slovenia, Wednesday, April 6, 2022.
An everyday scene from the Šentvid road, Slovenia, along the Gorenjska railway line, where there are continuous morning traffic jams towards the capital. The plan is that with the renovation of Ljubljana railway station, 15-minute train timetables will be in place on all five railway entrances to the city at peak times, says Dejan Jurkovič, Head of the Railways Investments Division at DRSI.
Ljubljana-Nova Gorica line, Slovenia, Saturday, March 19, 2022.
Hamida Muratovič has been a train conductor for 3 years. She inspects and sells tickets on the Ljubljana-Nova Gorica line, on a new double-decker train to Jesenice, Slovenia. Because it is weekend, the ticket is 70 percent cheaper. She likes her job because she is alone on the train and her work is not stressful. The hardest part is that she has to be at work at 2:55 once a week.
Ljubljana Tivoli station, Slovenia, Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Random walkers stopped at a construction site near the Ljubljana Tivoli station, as the boy likes to watch the excavators. They are happy to welcome the new works on the railway and look forward to progress.